Avigilon Focus of Attention

Video Surveillance Solutions

Avgilon Focus Of Attention

Focus of Attention (FoA) introduces a new concept in video monitoring and brings to the user a more intuitive way to consume information about potential security events.

Intuitive Interface

The FoA interface shows a comprehensive topology of your entire camera population, with nodes that represent each camera, grouped in a honeycomb formation according to how cameras are organized in the Site View (system tree) in Avigilon Control Center.

AI-Powered Notifications

Powered by Avigilon cameras and appliances with self-learning and next-generation analytics, it uses Artificial Intelligence to detect and flag events that may require your attention, highlighting them visually in color-coded nodes to indicate different levels of importance. Motion in blue; analytic rule triggers and Unusual Motion Detection (UMD) in teal; face watch list matches and Unusual Activity Detection (UAD) in yellow; and alarms in red so that you can easily see where action is required.

Simple Navigation

For operators, this provides a clean and simple display to verify security event notifications. With just a simple mouse hover over the illuminated node, operators can preview the live video or click into the node to expand it for a closer review and replay of the event.

Avigilon Control Center

Avigilon Control Center (ACC) 7 is the latest and most advanced version of ACC™ video management software. Designed to bring the right information to you so that you can take action, ACC 7 provides an easy-to-use, AI-enabled user interface to help ensure critical events do not go unnoticed.

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